Thursday 4 September 2008

No More Poker

Lol. I have 7 cents left of the initial $5 I was given. I don't blame it on my lack of skill. I blame it on my lack of patience. I'd find myself making stupid bets. When I was at $2.50 I did some research on how to play texas hold 'em effectively, but in the end I couldn't be bothered with it.

It should help whenever I play normally now in real life though. I lacked patience because it wasn't my own money and I didn't seem to be winning much because it was such low stakes. If it were my own money I'd have been more careful.

I did do a few 360 player tournaments though. With a ten cent buy in. My best finish was 31st, followed by 48th and 61st. So not too bad. But then no one really cares about those tournaments. Its down to about 280 players after around 5 minutes because everyone goes all in constantly.

Once I didn't have enough money to go back on at the real money tables I thought I'd give play money another try. I entered a medium stakes tournament (10000 chips), so everyone was alright I spose. I managed to finish first out of 18 in that, and get 72000 chips. So obviously I'm doing something right now. The research I had done made me realise that my previous playing style was awful. I thought I was good because I had done a lot of poker over the years. But this just made me experienced at playing badly! If you win a few games playing badly, you'll think it works well. But it makes a lot more sense to play tight aggressive. I was playing loose aggressive I think. If anyone knows what those mean.

The winning of the small tournament made me tempted to invest about 50p of my own money in a real money tournament. But sadly I can't. Its a slippery slope, so I have vowed never to do it. I'll just have to hold another poker night at my house and see how I do.

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