Monday 22 September 2008

Weeks Of Late

Oops. It just occurred to me that I haven't posted here for ages. Sorry.

I've made a lot of blogs and have been posting at them to try and earn some money (but failing) and have left out the original blog! How bad am I?

Anyway, its been an exciting past few weeks, I actually have a few things to talk about for once. But when I say exciting I probably mean dull.

My time has been taken up mostly by online poker. Which involved me trying to win freerolls with a huge number of players involved. This plan has not exactly worked. I now feel I need to buy a certain book on texas hold 'em if I wish to progress any further.

I also had a poker night and went to just one party. They were both really fun - but I still wasn't able to even place in the money at my small poker night. However I'd say I got my money's worth because I played about 4 hours of poker, and the game finished 20 minutes after I went out. The party was good too, if not a little sad. It was probably the last time I'll get to see most of my friends for ages because we all go to uni shortly, if they haven't gone already.

I go to Bristol on Sunday to enrol upon my physics course. Although I was anxious for the past week or so, I'm now really excited. Provided there are no problems with my accommodation.

Which leaves this week to prepare for my university experience. But I suspect I'll play much poker still.

I'm really annoyed because I fell for one of those online scams, and spent 90 dollars on an internet marketing course. I say it is an online scam, but it isn't really. I paid for the course, and I got the course, which incidentally was very impressive. But I thought it was going to make me a lot of money, and I just can't be bothered to put in the effort anymore to try and get things going - mainly because I'd have to invest a little more money. I am annoyed though because it means I don't have much money to start uni with, which would cover a lot of hidden costs. What's more is the fact that ebay are now charging me random charges which I can't really afford to pay. I'm not sure if I've even make a profit out of the warhammer I sold for my friend because the actual profits I calculated seem to be lower than I thought.

But oh well. This is what happens when you don't get a summer job. My last chance now is to win a freeroll and then win a couple of hundred pounds this week playing poker :p

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