Friday 29 August 2008


I'm not in the right mood to write this blog at the moment, but I haven't done one for some time, so will write it anyway.

The Media.

I don't like it, therefore I don't pay attention to it. This makes my life much happier. I used to watch the news all the time about a year ago, just because my family does. But I was finding myself constantly depressed about the state of affairs in the world. Global warming, war, poverty, terrorism, death; things to invoke fear in our hearts.

The news rarely reports the good stuff. The best we get is about an overweight rabbit, or some child that can read. But I suppose that is the local news struggling to get stories. I remember once being told about a local paper that had the headline: Old Man Dies of Old Age.

But anyway, I'm drifting from the point I was attempting to make. The news, in most of its forms strives to give bad news. Admittedly these are the more interesting stories, and I suppose we need to know about them if we want to know about the whole world's events. But stop there. Do we need to know about everything going on in the world? Is there anything that the common person will do about it? No. They will just acknowledge it, and go about their daily lives. Perhaps they'll use it to make conversation with someone at some point. But most likely they'll worry. So this is what I was doing. The stories of tragedy and the suffering of others made me somewhat depressed. I felt like it was unlikely I'd make it to the next year, without some sort disaster happening. Maybe I'd get stabbed or shot, or there would be a hurricane. Ok maybe I'm exaggerating a little. But I didn't see much hope for this world. Then it occurred to me. If I can't help them (Not at this immediate point in time), then why watch the news at all? Especially if it depresses me.

Ignorant bliss. I must admit I'm not in complete ignorant bliss. I vaguely know what is going on, and the main stories somehow get into my subconscious. But I will listen to my ipod instead of the news at dinner time.

The reason my life has been so sheltered is because of the news. I am barely able to cycle on the road. I can't be in town at midnight. I must fear everyone, and never trust anyone I don't know. According to my mum. This is because incidents such as stabbings are reported on the news regularly. This makes them seem common. However they are a very small percentage of the deaths caused in one day. A cyclist may have had a nasty accident on the news, but it doesn't mean I shouldn't cycle. As long as I'm careful, and take all necessary safety precautions I should be ok shouldn't I? I'd rather live life not constantly worried and paranoid, than in a protective bubble, where enjoyment is nil.

I think I may be over sensitive to the news stories, and my mum watches too much of it. But I know I have been happier with myself since I reduced my intake. If you find yourself worried that the world is in a state. Slow down, take a look around, and appreciate the beauty of nature (if you can).

I do wish my thoughts were less jumbled and came in coherent structures. But I'm sure that will come with time. If I don't listen to music and edit the posts properly it may work better :p.

What do you think about the media? Am I too sensitive or do I have a point? Feel free to make a comment.

Wednesday 27 August 2008

Politics of Britain

I am home, alone. Sort of bored, sort of not. I want to do exercise, but don't. And feel I need to write a blog on here for anyone that looks. So here goes. This does of course mean I have nothing to talk about that is interesting - again. Which reminds me that I said I would write about something deeper. I was just talking to someone about politics. So politics it is.

Disclaimer: I know little about politics. Well actually I know a bit, but it may not be right, and my source of information of late appears to be 'mock the week'.

From what I can tell, the British Government seems a bit crap. It also seems to me that it will stay this way even if a new party gets elected. The Conservatives aren't going to do anything different. Maybe tighten up immigration restrictions, which won't make a lot of difference since we are already up to capacity of what our country can handle in terms of amenities. Should the Liberal Democrats get into power, then I doubt they would change much because they wouldn't really be expecting to get into power.

Which leaves us pretty stuck. I haven't looked at any of their policies, so they may be promising to change stuff, but ultimately things will stay the same. Hopefully the country will stabilise at least.

From what I can tell, we are heading for a recession - well we are already in one, but it is going to worsen. Important government documents are continuously being leaked, or left on the train. A lot of pointless laws are being passed, and a lot of unfair initiatives are being introduced/have been introduced. One example: EMA. Couldn't this be better regulated? It is a great idea, although everyone not on it complains that they don't get paid to go to school. But even so, I have heard countless stories of incredibly rich people that qualify for it because their parents don't earn more than the required amount for some reason. Some loop hole I think. My friend's parents are millionaires. He always has a lot of money. He skips lessons. He then writes on the EMA form that he was ill. Then goes and collects his weekly money. Better regulation is needed here I think.

(EMA is a weekly allowance that students receive if they qualify and go to all their lessons.)

Another thing that was talked about recently was health and safety. This really has gotten out of hand. They would have us all housebound if they could. With the walls padded, and nothing we could injure ourselves on. Teachers no longer do school trips because of the paperwork. A teacher friend of my parents was complaining that her pupils were not allowed to go outside unsupervised. There are no other teachers to help supervise, so her pupils have a worse time, she has more stress. There are so many incidences where health and safety overrules common sense. A child will live if it grazes it's knee. (unless it contracts MRSA or something)

So there are problems everywhere. I just remembered the NHS. That isn't great either is it.

But to be honest the government is probably not doing to badly. The media only reports on the bad things. They blow them up to make them seem worse than they are too. This is why I do not watch the news anymore. It makes me depressed.

Lets just say the government is doing its job, they aren't perfect, but they are probably trying. After all they are under scrutiny from everyone. Besides, few people our going to make the effort to go and change it. We'll all manage. Let the complaining stop. It's not like we are in a dictatorship. Be happy.

This might seem a radical change of heart, but it's only because I remembered how bad the media is. If anyone should be taking stick, it's the news, it's the tabloids. The government is going to try and sort the problems out as best they can. Why doesn't everyone just leave them alone?
Their personal lives at least. I am aware that this is how a democracy works, and the media are important. But is it really necessary to invade their personal lives?

This post has become rather jumbled. Next time I'll post on the media. It won't be all over the place.

Monday 25 August 2008

Sorry about the lack of posts for the last 3 or 4 days, we had family friends over so I didn't really find time to write a blog. We were playing halo 3, a lot. (Not the whole family just my friend and I.)
Hmmm, what to write about?

Ok, I was moved out of my room again, so that my parents could sleep in it, and our guests could sleep in my parent's room. So far in the week we have had the double bed in my room, I have slept on it twice. I guess we don't particularly have anyone else coming for a while though so I'll be able to adjust to it properly now. I thought having me and my friend sleeping in a small study for 3 days would be tough, but luckily the xbox sloved all issues there. Although it did mean we spent considerably more time in the small room than we would have done.

I wish I had something interesting to talk about. Perhaps I should go for something about the world if I can't think of anything next time.

Wednesday 20 August 2008


Ok so cookie, my cat, is back again tonight. She has clawed her way through a fair amount of the seal on my window. This annoyed me. I went over and tried to push her off the ledge. She came back - but only because the ledge is about a metre wide due to the large hedge next to it. So then I had a wonderful wonderful idea. I have many cacti on my indoor window ledge. Now I have one cactus on my outdoor window ledge. Not only does it block the way, but its kinda spikey. Since putting it there the meowing and clawing have stopped. I just hope it doesn't die in the cold of night.

So to anyone having trouble with cats coming in through windows - or trying to do so. Put a cactus in the way. Works a treat.

Afternoon nap.

So last night I went to another party. It was awesome. It shall be nice to have a small break from parties for a while, they can't be that great for me.
Now I thought I got a pretty good amount of sleep last night - about 7 hours. Which is good for a party. But then I came home did some stuff and then fell asleep for about 3 and a half hours. Maybe the sleep last night wasn't that great then. It was quite the hard floor, and I'm aching still now. Although I think that is from the internal injury sustained on the trampoline. I landed in a bad way and now a muscle like my diaphragm is aching when I breathe.
But still, good party.
So anyway, I thought I'd write about afternoon sleep, as that was the title of this post.
Afternoon sleep is a curious thing. Espescially when it is for about 2 hours or over. You wake up either feeling worse, or feeling better, depending on whether you got enough to make your body normal again. Because I got so much I felt better. The other thing is that they aren't common. At least not in my life. I'll have a good long afternoon sleep maybe 3 or 4 times a year? I think it's less, but with all these parties it seems to be increasing. I remember I used to only have to do them after a D of E expedition. Although that was more going to bed at 4 in the afternoon, and then not waking up till the next day, and still that wouldn't be enough sleep.
Normally I get really annoyted when I wake up and its 8 o' clock. When I have lost a large chunk of my day. But today I didn't mind. I was sort of just chilling. It is probly down to the fact that I have been on holiday for 2 months and have just over a month to go though. My life is not so time pressured with college work. In fact it isn't pressured with any work. Which is nice. But I can't get used to it.

Tuesday 19 August 2008


I just rang up and cancelled my account. I didn't quite understand how it took them a whole 5 minutes to do it though. I also think their customer services is in India. It was quite funny when I was on the phone to them because in the background I could hear the other conversations going on. 'Hello welcome to lovefilm customer services, how may I help you? ...Yes I can help you with cancelling your account...' There was no way that wasn't in an indian call centre, I could just about understand what I was being told. I have no problems with these such call centres, just as long as I can understand what they are telling me. The woman I spoke to had quite a heavy accent.
Spelling out my post code back to me wasn't as simple as it should have been, but I survived, and lovefilm is a great service.
They do a 14 day free trial, where you can sign up to one of their monthly subscription services to receive a certain number of DVDs or Games. I went for the cheapest and got 2 DVDs within a few days of each other, and it was all really simple and easy to do. If I wasn't going to uni and had an income I'd consider doing it. I suppose they can afford to do the trial because you have to ring up an indian call centre to cancel your account. Either that or get a service which is so easy to use for about £4 a month (or more depending on which subscription you opt for). I'm sure they get a reasonable number of people that stay on. Considering how much advertising they do on the internet it wouldn't suprise me if they are raking it in. I got referred there by a freebie site.
Anyway its pretty cool, so if you feel like doing it I'd recommend. But make sure you cancel your account after receiving your DVDs.

Oh yeah and since I've just advertised lovefilm for no reason, join by completing an offer through my freebies site :p

When a Cat wants to come in...

Ok so don't try pushing a cat backwards through an open bedroom window. It doesn't work, they just run back in before you can close it again. I sort of had a fight with my cat cookie, trying to prevent entry. In the end I let her in and threw her out at the front door. We have no cat flap. They poo in the kitchen under the oven.

ps I live in a bungalow, so my bedroom window has a big bush next to it, so falling would not have been fatal.

pps cookie is back, clawing at the now closed window. It's windy outside, you are an animal with a thick coat. Deal with it. (and don't break the window)


So why haven't I posted for 10 days? Well its because I have been knackered. Hmmm what was I doing ten days ago? Well I don't think I was doing much. I know a long run put me out for a few days. Then last Thursday I got my A level results, and as far as I'm aware I've been partying ever since and sleeping in between. Partying is a loose word to use there, but I was out with friends.

My A levels were good. I got 4 A's in Maths, Further Maths, Physics and German. Although I still cannot believe I got an A in further maths. It is epically hard, and I started revising for the last and hardest module, FP3 about 2 and a half days before the exam. After 22 hours of revision I somehow managed to go from a U to an A, and even get an A in the exam. Now that's what I call cramming. Physics and straight Maths were fine, but I got B's in all my German modules. Now I'm not sure how good the B's were but I ended up with a fairly comfortable A, 11 marks over the boundary. I must have dropped around 20 marks below the A grade throughout then, because I was about 30 up last year. So yeah, I was ecstatic.

We went to the pub, and then I got into a friend's car and went where the flow took me. Apart from not being fed dinner this was a great idea. We went more pubs and stuff. I could tell you everything but I'm tired and you don't even care. Basically there were parties, and I got little sleep. Yet here I am now writing this blog. To be fair I got 12 hours sleep last night.

If anyone was reading my other blogs you will know of my Warhammer exploits. Here is an update. I had a few things on ebay, and this really nice guy who lives nearby saw them. He asked me if he could buy both, and I had a lengthy conversation with him about the rest of my stuff. So at about 10am today, he left me with £56.50 and 3 tanks, whilst he left with the rest of my collection. I was most happy with this, since it saved me the hassle of having to put it all on ebay, and I get the dosh straight away. So yeah... and I haven't spent it already...

What else has been happening? Well, lots. My mind is busy. We had some friends down from cambridge who I only saw a bit of because I was out all the time, but they were cool. My room had been redecorated by myself and mother, double bed arrived. I get to spend my first night on it tonight.

My parents went to scotland for 5 days. I would have been alone at home if it weren't for good old skype, and a certain someone who kept me company.

So basically a load of interesting stuff happened. If you are lucky I will elaborate soon in the future. My time that was being spent painting warhammer can be spent blogging.

Sorry about the wait if anyone cared, but I'm back now :p

and if anyone cares my cat is trying to claw her way in through my window. What a naughty girl. Shut up cookie!

Monday 18 August 2008

Dan's Life has moved.

Ok so it has only moved in the virtual realm, but here it is. This is for reasons known to only some, and others may guess. But you can access all the old stuff at and all the new stuff will be on here from now on. I hope you like it. I couldn't get a cool picture into my header in a nice way though so it is a bit bland for now.