Friday 29 August 2008


I'm not in the right mood to write this blog at the moment, but I haven't done one for some time, so will write it anyway.

The Media.

I don't like it, therefore I don't pay attention to it. This makes my life much happier. I used to watch the news all the time about a year ago, just because my family does. But I was finding myself constantly depressed about the state of affairs in the world. Global warming, war, poverty, terrorism, death; things to invoke fear in our hearts.

The news rarely reports the good stuff. The best we get is about an overweight rabbit, or some child that can read. But I suppose that is the local news struggling to get stories. I remember once being told about a local paper that had the headline: Old Man Dies of Old Age.

But anyway, I'm drifting from the point I was attempting to make. The news, in most of its forms strives to give bad news. Admittedly these are the more interesting stories, and I suppose we need to know about them if we want to know about the whole world's events. But stop there. Do we need to know about everything going on in the world? Is there anything that the common person will do about it? No. They will just acknowledge it, and go about their daily lives. Perhaps they'll use it to make conversation with someone at some point. But most likely they'll worry. So this is what I was doing. The stories of tragedy and the suffering of others made me somewhat depressed. I felt like it was unlikely I'd make it to the next year, without some sort disaster happening. Maybe I'd get stabbed or shot, or there would be a hurricane. Ok maybe I'm exaggerating a little. But I didn't see much hope for this world. Then it occurred to me. If I can't help them (Not at this immediate point in time), then why watch the news at all? Especially if it depresses me.

Ignorant bliss. I must admit I'm not in complete ignorant bliss. I vaguely know what is going on, and the main stories somehow get into my subconscious. But I will listen to my ipod instead of the news at dinner time.

The reason my life has been so sheltered is because of the news. I am barely able to cycle on the road. I can't be in town at midnight. I must fear everyone, and never trust anyone I don't know. According to my mum. This is because incidents such as stabbings are reported on the news regularly. This makes them seem common. However they are a very small percentage of the deaths caused in one day. A cyclist may have had a nasty accident on the news, but it doesn't mean I shouldn't cycle. As long as I'm careful, and take all necessary safety precautions I should be ok shouldn't I? I'd rather live life not constantly worried and paranoid, than in a protective bubble, where enjoyment is nil.

I think I may be over sensitive to the news stories, and my mum watches too much of it. But I know I have been happier with myself since I reduced my intake. If you find yourself worried that the world is in a state. Slow down, take a look around, and appreciate the beauty of nature (if you can).

I do wish my thoughts were less jumbled and came in coherent structures. But I'm sure that will come with time. If I don't listen to music and edit the posts properly it may work better :p.

What do you think about the media? Am I too sensitive or do I have a point? Feel free to make a comment.

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