Wednesday 20 August 2008

Afternoon nap.

So last night I went to another party. It was awesome. It shall be nice to have a small break from parties for a while, they can't be that great for me.
Now I thought I got a pretty good amount of sleep last night - about 7 hours. Which is good for a party. But then I came home did some stuff and then fell asleep for about 3 and a half hours. Maybe the sleep last night wasn't that great then. It was quite the hard floor, and I'm aching still now. Although I think that is from the internal injury sustained on the trampoline. I landed in a bad way and now a muscle like my diaphragm is aching when I breathe.
But still, good party.
So anyway, I thought I'd write about afternoon sleep, as that was the title of this post.
Afternoon sleep is a curious thing. Espescially when it is for about 2 hours or over. You wake up either feeling worse, or feeling better, depending on whether you got enough to make your body normal again. Because I got so much I felt better. The other thing is that they aren't common. At least not in my life. I'll have a good long afternoon sleep maybe 3 or 4 times a year? I think it's less, but with all these parties it seems to be increasing. I remember I used to only have to do them after a D of E expedition. Although that was more going to bed at 4 in the afternoon, and then not waking up till the next day, and still that wouldn't be enough sleep.
Normally I get really annoyted when I wake up and its 8 o' clock. When I have lost a large chunk of my day. But today I didn't mind. I was sort of just chilling. It is probly down to the fact that I have been on holiday for 2 months and have just over a month to go though. My life is not so time pressured with college work. In fact it isn't pressured with any work. Which is nice. But I can't get used to it.

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