Tuesday 19 August 2008


So why haven't I posted for 10 days? Well its because I have been knackered. Hmmm what was I doing ten days ago? Well I don't think I was doing much. I know a long run put me out for a few days. Then last Thursday I got my A level results, and as far as I'm aware I've been partying ever since and sleeping in between. Partying is a loose word to use there, but I was out with friends.

My A levels were good. I got 4 A's in Maths, Further Maths, Physics and German. Although I still cannot believe I got an A in further maths. It is epically hard, and I started revising for the last and hardest module, FP3 about 2 and a half days before the exam. After 22 hours of revision I somehow managed to go from a U to an A, and even get an A in the exam. Now that's what I call cramming. Physics and straight Maths were fine, but I got B's in all my German modules. Now I'm not sure how good the B's were but I ended up with a fairly comfortable A, 11 marks over the boundary. I must have dropped around 20 marks below the A grade throughout then, because I was about 30 up last year. So yeah, I was ecstatic.

We went to the pub, and then I got into a friend's car and went where the flow took me. Apart from not being fed dinner this was a great idea. We went more pubs and stuff. I could tell you everything but I'm tired and you don't even care. Basically there were parties, and I got little sleep. Yet here I am now writing this blog. To be fair I got 12 hours sleep last night.

If anyone was reading my other blogs you will know of my Warhammer exploits. Here is an update. I had a few things on ebay, and this really nice guy who lives nearby saw them. He asked me if he could buy both, and I had a lengthy conversation with him about the rest of my stuff. So at about 10am today, he left me with £56.50 and 3 tanks, whilst he left with the rest of my collection. I was most happy with this, since it saved me the hassle of having to put it all on ebay, and I get the dosh straight away. So yeah... and I haven't spent it already...

What else has been happening? Well, lots. My mind is busy. We had some friends down from cambridge who I only saw a bit of because I was out all the time, but they were cool. My room had been redecorated by myself and mother, double bed arrived. I get to spend my first night on it tonight.

My parents went to scotland for 5 days. I would have been alone at home if it weren't for good old skype, and a certain someone who kept me company.

So basically a load of interesting stuff happened. If you are lucky I will elaborate soon in the future. My time that was being spent painting warhammer can be spent blogging.

Sorry about the wait if anyone cared, but I'm back now :p

and if anyone cares my cat is trying to claw her way in through my window. What a naughty girl. Shut up cookie!

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