Monday 25 August 2008

Sorry about the lack of posts for the last 3 or 4 days, we had family friends over so I didn't really find time to write a blog. We were playing halo 3, a lot. (Not the whole family just my friend and I.)
Hmmm, what to write about?

Ok, I was moved out of my room again, so that my parents could sleep in it, and our guests could sleep in my parent's room. So far in the week we have had the double bed in my room, I have slept on it twice. I guess we don't particularly have anyone else coming for a while though so I'll be able to adjust to it properly now. I thought having me and my friend sleeping in a small study for 3 days would be tough, but luckily the xbox sloved all issues there. Although it did mean we spent considerably more time in the small room than we would have done.

I wish I had something interesting to talk about. Perhaps I should go for something about the world if I can't think of anything next time.

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