Tuesday 19 August 2008


I just rang up lovefilm.com and cancelled my account. I didn't quite understand how it took them a whole 5 minutes to do it though. I also think their customer services is in India. It was quite funny when I was on the phone to them because in the background I could hear the other conversations going on. 'Hello welcome to lovefilm customer services, how may I help you? ...Yes I can help you with cancelling your account...' There was no way that wasn't in an indian call centre, I could just about understand what I was being told. I have no problems with these such call centres, just as long as I can understand what they are telling me. The woman I spoke to had quite a heavy accent.
Spelling out my post code back to me wasn't as simple as it should have been, but I survived, and lovefilm is a great service.
They do a 14 day free trial, where you can sign up to one of their monthly subscription services to receive a certain number of DVDs or Games. I went for the cheapest and got 2 DVDs within a few days of each other, and it was all really simple and easy to do. If I wasn't going to uni and had an income I'd consider doing it. I suppose they can afford to do the trial because you have to ring up an indian call centre to cancel your account. Either that or get a service which is so easy to use for about £4 a month (or more depending on which subscription you opt for). I'm sure they get a reasonable number of people that stay on. Considering how much advertising they do on the internet it wouldn't suprise me if they are raking it in. I got referred there by a freebie site.
Anyway its pretty cool, so if you feel like doing it I'd recommend. But make sure you cancel your account after receiving your DVDs.

Oh yeah and since I've just advertised lovefilm for no reason, join by completing an offer through my freebies site :p

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