Wednesday 27 August 2008

Politics of Britain

I am home, alone. Sort of bored, sort of not. I want to do exercise, but don't. And feel I need to write a blog on here for anyone that looks. So here goes. This does of course mean I have nothing to talk about that is interesting - again. Which reminds me that I said I would write about something deeper. I was just talking to someone about politics. So politics it is.

Disclaimer: I know little about politics. Well actually I know a bit, but it may not be right, and my source of information of late appears to be 'mock the week'.

From what I can tell, the British Government seems a bit crap. It also seems to me that it will stay this way even if a new party gets elected. The Conservatives aren't going to do anything different. Maybe tighten up immigration restrictions, which won't make a lot of difference since we are already up to capacity of what our country can handle in terms of amenities. Should the Liberal Democrats get into power, then I doubt they would change much because they wouldn't really be expecting to get into power.

Which leaves us pretty stuck. I haven't looked at any of their policies, so they may be promising to change stuff, but ultimately things will stay the same. Hopefully the country will stabilise at least.

From what I can tell, we are heading for a recession - well we are already in one, but it is going to worsen. Important government documents are continuously being leaked, or left on the train. A lot of pointless laws are being passed, and a lot of unfair initiatives are being introduced/have been introduced. One example: EMA. Couldn't this be better regulated? It is a great idea, although everyone not on it complains that they don't get paid to go to school. But even so, I have heard countless stories of incredibly rich people that qualify for it because their parents don't earn more than the required amount for some reason. Some loop hole I think. My friend's parents are millionaires. He always has a lot of money. He skips lessons. He then writes on the EMA form that he was ill. Then goes and collects his weekly money. Better regulation is needed here I think.

(EMA is a weekly allowance that students receive if they qualify and go to all their lessons.)

Another thing that was talked about recently was health and safety. This really has gotten out of hand. They would have us all housebound if they could. With the walls padded, and nothing we could injure ourselves on. Teachers no longer do school trips because of the paperwork. A teacher friend of my parents was complaining that her pupils were not allowed to go outside unsupervised. There are no other teachers to help supervise, so her pupils have a worse time, she has more stress. There are so many incidences where health and safety overrules common sense. A child will live if it grazes it's knee. (unless it contracts MRSA or something)

So there are problems everywhere. I just remembered the NHS. That isn't great either is it.

But to be honest the government is probably not doing to badly. The media only reports on the bad things. They blow them up to make them seem worse than they are too. This is why I do not watch the news anymore. It makes me depressed.

Lets just say the government is doing its job, they aren't perfect, but they are probably trying. After all they are under scrutiny from everyone. Besides, few people our going to make the effort to go and change it. We'll all manage. Let the complaining stop. It's not like we are in a dictatorship. Be happy.

This might seem a radical change of heart, but it's only because I remembered how bad the media is. If anyone should be taking stick, it's the news, it's the tabloids. The government is going to try and sort the problems out as best they can. Why doesn't everyone just leave them alone?
Their personal lives at least. I am aware that this is how a democracy works, and the media are important. But is it really necessary to invade their personal lives?

This post has become rather jumbled. Next time I'll post on the media. It won't be all over the place.

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